Good morning.
Some days we feel that no matter what we do right, there's always something that comes up that takes us to the vulnerable place of being behind or being wrong. It drives you to start thinking nothing will be right or I'll never catch up.
God says not so!!!
Trials come up in our lives to test your faith in God, to test your faith in yourself or to change you.
They are the most uncomfortable moments in your life but don't lose heart.
God will place people in your life to help elevate you when you feel down.
But beware of dream killers and sowers of doubt.
They pretend to be for you but secretly are killing your dreams behind your back. Don't be discouraged with them either.
Use them as motivation to move forward even faster.
Take every day every step every breath in a forward moving motion.
Even when walls come up, keep going forward.
Let nothing stop you. Nothing.
I love you with all my heart. Now, always and forever. Have a great day.
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